In the videos posted below
, Tony Wagner and Ellen Galinsky point out the need for people to be able to think critically, to be evaluative information consumers, and to be self directed lifelong learners. As students in the DLL program, we're walking a path where we are all of these and more. Both Wagner and Galinsky state the importance of being able to evaluate information and ask good questions and stress this is a skill that is needed for success in the future.
In the DLL program, we are asked to perform these tasks. As a student in Lamar's program, I've posed many questions and have combed through research to find the best and most up-to-date research that I can find. I've been directed to be a learner that takes control of my own learning and makes choices about how I will represent that learning to the outside world. As well, I've been taught to fail forward and the importance of doing so along with being able to research others' failures, understanding the lessons they've learned, and be able to apply those lessons to my own current path of learning.
At this juncture in our program we're being asked to pose specific questions that will drive our action research plans. Both Wagner and Galinsky explain how important this skill is as a 21st century learner.
7 Skills students need for their future - Tony Wagner
The Seven Essential Life Skills, With Ellen Galinsky | Big Think Mentor