I taught English at the high school level for ten years and I have to say that a lot of what I've read in chapters 1-3 looks very close to the steps that I've always taught my students when they embark on the process of writing a research paper. However, one important stage that I've left out is what Dr. Mertler would refer to as one of the most important portions of the research process, the Reflective Stage. As an educator, I do research and implement strategies that I learn about, but I don't really sit down, reflect and use those reflections to help me figure out what my next steps will be. Through this program, I've realized what a powerful tool reflection really is.
My innovation plan centers around a school-wide implementation of EPortfolios in an Alternative Independent Study High School. I've done some thinking about my research question and I'm considering a few options. Since I have a background in English, I can't help but wonder if all of the writing students will do in their EPortfolios will improve their writing skills. Another option I'm wondering about is student achievement. I'm thinking with the integration of EPortfolios there will be an increase in student achievement. Surely, there's some research out there at this point and time regarding student achievement data in conjunction with the creation and on-going use of EPortfolios. One last research possibility I'm considering is effective professional development. My peers will need on-going support with both the tech side and the pedagogy that is part of the EPortfolio process. I'm leaning towards the topic of student achievement, but haven't counted the others out yet.