Why EPortfolios?
EPortfolios give our students an opportunity to share their unique journies with their audiences and offer students a platform to document their learning. Watch my short video and join me in helping our kids have a brighter future.
Dear teachers and administrators of Independence High School,
I’ve spent the past eight years teaching Juniors and Seniors English at a comprehensive site. During this time, I've noticed that many of my students were ill-equipped when it came to showcasing their work and growth academically as well as their involvement in their communities in and out of school. Each year in every class, I’d have a handful who literally had no record of their work, accomplishments, involvement, or anyone who could vouch for their character or work they’ve completed.
Here at Independence High School, this is the case as well. Our students are in our program due to having even more obstacles and issues to face than their counterparts at the comprehensive sites in our district. Because of this, we need to ensure that at the end of our students’ compulsory education they can showcase themselves in a way that conveys their accomplishments, growth, and assets they have to offer potential employers and/or programs that may interest them. Employers, academic institutions, and other groups are expecting their pool of potential members to easily share a digital record of their accomplishments, growth, experiences, and reflective thoughts along the way.
One way to accomplish one’s showcasing of themselves in this manner is through the EPortfolio; a digital site that does much more than hold products. The EPortfolio documents one's written reflections on their learning and experiences, evidence beyond the placement of final artifacts, collaboration with peers and the opportunity to share and learn from those in our community and beyond.​
Students’ EPortfolios will be a living and continually evolving domain that they use frequently; the EPortfolio will be a true representation of themselves that students own. Students will use the ePortfolio to make meaningful connections between their current work, research, discussions, and reflections that tie directly to their past and present experiences. It will be a living breathing document of one’s personal journey that students can use to showcase their growth, character, and experiences whether they are students of ours, have returned to their home school, or have graduated.
I've done quite a bit of research on EPortfolios and have found that there is an abundance of studies and experts that testify to the EPortfolios power to change our students' lives. In my Literature Review, I provide evidence and sources covering the positive effects of implementing EPortfolios for college and career readiness.
Will you join me and offer this opportunity to our students? I've developed an Implementation Plan to use in the coming school year that will help us focus on the learning that is taking place with our students through their use of the EPortfolio.
I look forward to working together to create the best future for our students through the use of EPortfolios.
Marianne French
Here are some helpful resources:
Eynon and Gambino provide research and statistical data through several different models of use that reveal a high learner engagement. They cover the implementation of the EPortfolio and institutional pedagogy. As well, they cover how EPortfolios effect retention and graduation rates.
Reynolds and Patton have written an engaging book that thoroughly presents the necessary information to launch the use of EPortfolios in an institution. Most importantly explain how educators can help students make their learning visible to themselves, their peers, and their future employers or colleges.
On this page, Harapnuik shares research and highlights how choice, ownership, voice lend to high learner engagement and meaningful learning experiences for students preparing them for their futures.
Here, Harapnuik offers a wide array of resources highlighting the power of reflection, choice, and visible learning.
While conducting research for my Literature Review, I found that several of the sources I chose to use came from the International Journal of ePortfolio. Here you'll have access to current and past issues going back to 2011.
Harapnuik, D. (2015, May 26). Who owns the EPortfolio. Retrieved from:
Harapnuik, D. (2015, May 26). Why use an EPortfolio. Retrieved from:
Eynon, B., Gambino, L. (2017). High-impact ePortfolio practice: a catalyst for student, faculty, and institutional learning.
Reynolds, C., Patton, J., & Rhodes, T. (2014). Leveraging the ePortfolio for integrative learning: A faculty guide to classroom practices for transforming student learning.